Wednesday 26 February 2014

Target Audience Feeback

This post consists of the target audience feedback of our old treatment and our new improved treatment. While collecting the new feedback, I asked people from a wider age range (15-19), whereas with our old feedback, we only asked teenagers between 16 and 17. The variation of age ranges is more accurate to our target audience, which is 15-21. The new feedback is more positive than the old one as we received more praise and less constructive criticism, which shows our new treatment was an improvement compared to the old one.

 Here is the feedback for our original treatment:
Here is the feedback for our new treatment:

Treatment Changes

While filming our opening, we decided to change our treatment in order to involve a wider variety of shots. We also decided to add a scene in the park, so the opening wouldn't only be in one location. Here are the two other ideas we came up with; they are pretty much the same but only have a slight difference.
Idea One
Film opens with Sarah at home, talking to her friend over the phone. In this part of the video we plan to add information that will help set the scene for the audience however this is going to be all one-sided conversation and will follow Sarah’s speech. She then tells her friend about how with the recent breakout from prison by her ex-boyfriend she feels like she’s being watch/followed. The scene will show a flashback of Sarah walking home from work through the park and in the distance she sees a hooded man off the path near the trees. She stops to stare however is interrupted by a passer-by asking politely for her to move which she obliged. When she looks at the position the hooded figure was in, he is nowhere to be seen and she decides to ignore it and walk home however a hooded man comes into view of the camera unseen by Sarah. The scene then then changes back to Sarah at home on the phone to her friend. It is clear she is wary that the person in the park could have been Danny, but she tries to brush it off. She then hears an unusual noise coming from her hallway. She goes to investigate it and finds nothing. She is then grabbed by Danny from behind and strangled. The screen fades to black as we hear Sarah’s muffled scream. The title Ex-terminate then comes into sight.
Idea Two
Instead of Sarah being on the phone to her friend in the first scene, the film with open with Sarah in the park making her way home from work. She sees a hooded figure watching her from the trees. A pedestrian walks by, and in that second that she looks away, the figure disappears. She is confused, but carries on walking. She then hears a rustling noise behind her, and then footsteps. The footsteps get closer and closer and the pace picks up. It is clear she is being chased. She begins to run as the hooded figure chases her through the park. She makes it to her front door, but struggles to find her keys. In this time the character catches up with her and strangles her from behind. The screen fades to black as we hear Sarah’s muffled screams. The title ‘Ex-terminate’ comes into view. Later on in the film the audience would learn that the character chasing Sarah was her ex-boyfriend Danny.

Friday 21 February 2014

Chosen Actors

This is Jovinie Carter. She is 17 and our chosen actress to play Sarah. She wasn't our original choice as she is part of our group and wanted to be more involved with the filming. However, the original actress we chose was unable to make it at the times we requested. We found that having the actress in our group made things a lot easier as she was always present at the same time we were. She adapted to her role quickly and confidently. We felt she was fully capable of playing the role of an older character as she is a mature person and the age difference wasn't too big. Jovinie's character is bubbly, popular among friends and concerned with her education. These are all attributes that Jovinie already had so it was easy for her to play the character.

This is Debo. He is 18 and our chosen actor to play Sarah's ex Danny. Like Jovinie, he wasn't our original choice to play Danny as Debo is also a member of our group, but it was very difficult to find a male actor who was available at the times we needed them. Debo wasn't as comfortable with acting  so we tried our hardest to avoid shots of his face when it wasn't necessary. Danny is a very violent, angry and psychotic person. Although Debo obviously doesn't hold these characteristics, the opening only involved him chasing Sarah so it wasn't challenging. Having the actor in our group was an adavantage for the same reasons having the actress in our group was an adavantage.